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2/16/2025 11:52 PM  W8VI

2/16/2025 11:51 PM  VE3PP
You have worked St. Barthelemy. Just reached 194 countries!

2/16/2025 11:51 PM  VE3PP
You have worked St. Barthelemy. Just reached 194 countries!

2/16/2025 11:51 PM  it9stg

2/16/2025 11:49 PM  KO4FHB
You have worked Montserrat. Just reached 153 countries!

2/16/2025 11:49 PM  KO4FHB
You have worked Montserrat. Just reached 153 countries!

2/16/2025 11:45 PM  N1IA
You have worked Paraguay. Just reached 165 countries!

2/16/2025 11:43 PM  KE8FMJ
You have worked St. Barthelemy. Just reached 194 countries!

2/16/2025 11:39 PM  WA4ELK
2O M

2/16/2025 11:36 PM  IM0LZK
You have worked Anguilla. Just reached 176 countries!

2/16/2025 11:27 PM  W5BAM
You have worked Anguilla. Just reached 136 countries!

2/16/2025 11:25 PM  VK6KR
You have worked Azores. Just reached 132 countries!

2/16/2025 11:23 PM  JF1DKB
You have worked Mali. Just reached 268 countries!

2/16/2025 11:22 PM  g3ypp

2/16/2025 11:18 PM  W3ZJ
You have worked Kenya. Just reached 149 countries!

2/16/2025 11:17 PM  BD8CHI
You have worked Mali. Just reached 217 countries!

2/16/2025 11:15 PM  K8LEO

2/16/2025 11:14 PM  BI4JJO
You have worked Mali. Just reached 245 countries!

2/16/2025 11:06 PM  DH2YBG

2/16/2025 11:03 PM  KR0ES

2/16/2025 10:58 PM  oe6jve

2/16/2025 10:56 PM  N1PA
You have worked Mali. Just reached 137 countries!

2/16/2025 10:50 PM  W8VI

2/16/2025 10:25 PM  PA5FS
You have worked Qatar. Just reached 135 countries!

2/16/2025 10:24 PM  N1IA
You have worked Grenada. Just reached 164 countries!

2/16/2025 10:22 PM  LA3GW
You have worked Faroe Islands. Just reached 81 countries!

2/16/2025 10:19 PM  ad5qa

2/16/2025 10:14 PM  N9CQC

2/16/2025 10:13 PM  g3ypp

2/16/2025 10:10 PM  NZ5U
You have worked St. Helena. Just reached 135 countries!

2/16/2025 10:09 PM  JR0SXU
You have worked Qatar. Just reached 149 countries!

2/16/2025 10:05 PM  VE2ZQ
You have worked Grenada. Just reached 103 countries!

2/16/2025 10:05 PM  VE2ZQ
You have worked Bermuda. Just reached 103 countries!

2/16/2025 10:03 PM  DH2YBG

2/16/2025 10:02 PM  KR0ES

2/16/2025 9:56 PM  WG5EEK
You have worked St. Helena. Just reached 111 countries!

2/16/2025 9:56 PM  K8LEO

2/16/2025 9:51 PM  NG2E
You have worked Montserrat. Just reached 165 countries!

2/16/2025 9:51 PM  NG2E
You have worked Galapagos Islands. Just reached 165 countries!

2/16/2025 9:49 PM  N4MDG
You have worked Nauru. Just reached 127 countries!

2/16/2025 9:44 PM  IU2CGB
You have worked Namibia. Just reached 129 countries!

2/16/2025 9:42 PM  HRDLOGnet
We have a new user. Welcome to W5CEV

2/16/2025 9:40 PM  IZ1JII

2/16/2025 9:38 PM  oe6jve

2/16/2025 9:33 PM  WK4K
You have worked St. Barthelemy. Just reached 136 countries!

2/16/2025 9:30 PM  W2RWM
You have worked Guernsey. Just reached 148 countries!

2/16/2025 9:21 PM  W8VI

2/16/2025 9:17 PM  FG5GG
You have worked Portugal. Just reached 50 countries!

2/16/2025 9:16 PM  W9DHI
You have worked St. Barthelemy. Just reached 120 countries!

2/16/2025 9:16 PM  HRDLOGnet
We have a new user. Welcome to SQ2XC

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